
May 16, 2011

the monday personals | the simple things in life

This Monday's post will be short and sweet. Ok, so maybe just not as wordy as the others ;)  Life is about the simple things that bring a smile to your face and happiness to your life. Here's a few things I love and am thankful for from this last week:

1. A freshly mowed and landscaped yard. The smell of fresh cut grass (and hay when it's that time of year!).  Bonus points this week go to the new lawnmower that in my opinion gets cool points purely based on the fact that its vibrant orange is a lovely touch as an accent color to the yard. ha, ha.

2. The vision of spring that seemed to blossom overnight from drab to fab in just seven days.  Trees and bushes looked lifeless less than a week ago and now I praise their green goodness.

3. The miracle of life.

4. Big white fluffy clouds that remind me of my father-in-law and his home for the past two years.  You may have left this earthly place, but you are never forgotten.  We smile each time we see a butterfly, marshmallow clouds, and golden rays of sunlight that you send to us with messages that you are looking down and watching over us continuously still. Miss you Gary!

5.  Morel Mushrooms.  Enough said.

6. My husband. This week we celebrated our 5-year anniversary. I'd truly be lost without him. He captured my heart when I was just 16 years old and it will belong to him forever and always.

Photo Credit: Taken by the fabulous Leanna Gosse
This one was taken by just plain 'ol me.

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