
July 18, 2011

the monday personals | things you don't know

I emailed my bestie this morning and said "Ugh! I have no idea what to write about for the monday personals today.  My mind is just blank with weekend hangover." We chatted a bit, but never really figured out what to write about. So gathering inspiration from her (and the crazy fact that we used to love to do survey upon survey upon survey with each other even though we usually already know everything about each other)....I am doing one for you.

 ~ I am a hopeless romantic. Towards my husband, towards my daughter, towards sappy love movies, anything linked to love...I heart it!

~ I have two different colored eyes: one is green and one is brown. And actually the one that is brown is really top half green and bottom half brown. I usually write down 'hazel' on my drivers license to keep it simple.

~ I was born on Friday the 13th

~ I like to make people laugh - or at least try to make people laugh

~ I tell stories in extreme detail (if you haven't noticed by now)

~ I can talk....A LOT

~ I am obsessed with pictures...hence the photography gig

~ My dream is to go to Italy someday...and travel all of Europe, but Italy mostly

~ I am obsessed with Harry Potter. I usually can dominate most trivia quizzes. I went to every opening night movie at midnight up until last summer when my daughter was born and only two months old.  I couldn't leave her.

~ Fav foods: Kraft mac-n-cheese is my favorite cuisine of all time, anything pasta, chicken chimichangas, seafood, chocolate & peanut butter together is the best partnership there is, potatoes, a really good juicy bacon cheeseburger & fries, sweet Moscato wine, movie theatre popcorn, and my recent addiction is pretzel M&Ms. Yeah, I'm a bit of a junk food addict.

~ My daughter's middle name is named after my bestie: Elizabeth. However, since Lexis and Schmidt both have an 's' in the name, to keep consistency my daughter's middle name is actually spelled Elisabeth. It all makes perfect sense in my crazy little world.

~ My dad's, brother's, mine, and my mother-in-law's birthdays all fall on the same week day of the year (all Saturday's this year).  My husband's, daughter's, sister-in-law's, brother-in-law's, and father-in-law's birthday all fall on the same week day of the year too (all Tuesdays this year). AND my husband's, mine, and daughter's birthday are all on odd numbered days: 13, 19, and 29. Therefore if we have baby #2 tentatively next late summer to fall 2012, the baby has to be born on an odd numbered day on Sunday or Wednesday. Yes, I actually took time to figure that all out ;)

~ I tried sushi for the first time a couple weeks ago and actually really LOVED it!

~ Never have I ever been stung by a bee. Oh wait....that just happened for the first time last week. Stupid hornet...he screwed up my never ever. Now I need a new one.  Ok, never have I ever gotten a tattoo before.

~ My favorite event to watch: dance! I always wanted to be a backup dancer for Janet Jackson when I was a kid. lol

~ I am probably the only person who celebrates their half birthday :)

~ I have a photographic memory. Although it seems to be on the failing mode the older I get.

~ I have skills at Facebook stalking.  I could probably write a user's guide to the website.

~ I love being in the water, but I can't swim.

~ Four people I would love to meet: Julie Andrews, Justin's twin brothers, and God.

~ My best thing I have ever done in my life: Lexis Elisabeth Schmidt

My Lizzie & I: May 2005 - my college graduation. An old one, I know, but it's one of my favorites of the two of us.


  1. That is one of my favorite pictures of the two of us too. We need to take more pictures together so we can find a new favorite.

    You didn't tell everyone that my side of the conversation was all about my annoying bug bites.

  2. I didn't know if you wanted me to mention the bug bites, so that's why I just said we chatted :) I hope they feel better soon!

  3. You two look alike! Love this post!

  4. Thanks! I could have went on forever about random facts about myself, but figured I better not bore people too much. lol. I suppose the reason we look alike would be because we are actually related too! We are 5th or 6th cousins...I figured it out many times but always forget. Our great-grandparents were brother & sister....I think that's right....Liz would know for sure. I always forget! :)


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