
October 5, 2012

2013 Wedding + Portrait Season


Well, things have been the opposite of slow around here. Both the photography and my personal life have been a blur since this spring...which of course is a good thing...but I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit excited for November and a chance to have a weekend off. I do very very much so want to thank all of you for being patient with me in getting back to you for inquiries, orders, and completing editing of your session or wedding. I've been working as hard as I can to try to stay caught up as much as possible, so I truly appreciate all your support and patience in this busy time! xoxo

First and foremost the biggest announcement is: my family is expanding! We have babe #2 coming in March 2013. Thus....yup, you guessed it. I will be on maternity leave from mid March to end of June. I will not be booking any additional weddings during that time. Those that have booked previously lucked out and you still get to see my smiley face at your special day ;) Additionally, during maternity leave I will be taking minimal to no portrait sessions. There is a chance I will still do spring mini sessions, but that will not be decided until the spring.  With the arrival of this second rugrat, I've been super sick the last few months. It stinks, but worth it in the end. So thank you, thank you again for being patient with me with any delays in getting items checked off my to-do list. It means so much to me and my family!

photo credit: my super awesome friend tiffany of TLA Photography. Check her out ;)

With a new babe in the family, I am taking less weddings next season and only booking 2 a month at most. There is still some available dates for the 2013 season.  I have had multiple inquiries for the summer and early fall months, so if there's only one date left for your month and you'd super duper love me to be a part of your day {and I'd super duper love to be a part of yours}, I'd suggest booking sooner rather than later before that month's slot is taken. Please check my website for available dates or email me, because I heart emails.

January - 1 slot available
February - closed
March - closed
April - closed
May - closed
June - closed
July - possibly 1 available
August - 1 slot available
September - 1 slot available
October - 1 slot available
November - 2 slots available
December - 1 slot available

So...with that said, everybody have a fantastic weekend! I'm off to another beautiful wedding tomorrow in Minnesota. Here's to hoping it's not *too* cold just yet! And don't forget I have a couple mini session slots available on this Sunday late afternoon. See my facebook post for more details.


August 8, 2012

lydia | 2013 senior | new lisbon, wi senior portrait photographer

Everybody say "Hi Lydia!" So pretty lady, tell me about yourself:

"What are your interests, what do you love?"
I love to perform. I have always had a passion for music. Dancing has always been a big part of my life along with singing. I play volleyball and am also involved in dance team.

"Do you have plans for after graduation?"
I plan to attend Eau Claire University and major in child life development. After graduation I hope to work with children whether it be a child life specialist or a teacher.

"What will you miss most about high school?"
Seeing my friends!

"Favorite food?"
Chicken Fingers! They are the best.

"What's a random fun fact about yourself that people may not know?"
I sing more then I talk... according to my mother:)

Congrats Lydia and Good Luck in all your future endeavors!!

katelyn | 2013 senior | franklin, wi senior portrait photographer

Everybody say "Hi Katelyn!" So pretty lady, tell me about yourself:

"What are your interests, what do you love?"
I enjoy running, painting (specifically in oils and with watercolors), reading, and playing with my cat Martin (:

"Do you have plans for after graduation?"
I plan on going to UW Madison after high school. I'm pretty undecided on what I will major in but right now I am thinking something medical.

"What will you miss most about high school?"
I think that I will miss seeing my friends all of the time in high school because whether it's in classes, sports, or on weekends, I get to see them quite a bit. In college I will have to start all over and even though that is kind of exciting, I will miss them all the same.

"Favorite food?"
I would have to say my favorite food is chicken fajitas. I could eat them everyday!

"What's a random fun fact about yourself that people may not know?"
I collect antique buttons!

Congrats Katelyn and Good Luck in all your future endeavors!!


August 3, 2012

jen + adam | engaged | La Crosse WI wedding photographer

Jen + Adam are trying the knot next June and I'm so happy to be able to be a part of it. Adam is a firefighter and Jen is a surgical nurse.  Such awesome life saving careers! For their session we choose to check out Pettibone Park and Vetsch Park in La Crescent. I was so glad we headed over across the river because I have been missing my Queen Anne's lace this summer and had not been able to satisfy my craving for them yet. My heart skipped a little beat when I pulled up and saw them.

Congrats you two and I look forward to June!