
August 8, 2012

katelyn | 2013 senior | franklin, wi senior portrait photographer

Everybody say "Hi Katelyn!" So pretty lady, tell me about yourself:

"What are your interests, what do you love?"
I enjoy running, painting (specifically in oils and with watercolors), reading, and playing with my cat Martin (:

"Do you have plans for after graduation?"
I plan on going to UW Madison after high school. I'm pretty undecided on what I will major in but right now I am thinking something medical.

"What will you miss most about high school?"
I think that I will miss seeing my friends all of the time in high school because whether it's in classes, sports, or on weekends, I get to see them quite a bit. In college I will have to start all over and even though that is kind of exciting, I will miss them all the same.

"Favorite food?"
I would have to say my favorite food is chicken fajitas. I could eat them everyday!

"What's a random fun fact about yourself that people may not know?"
I collect antique buttons!

Congrats Katelyn and Good Luck in all your future endeavors!!



  1. She is beautiful and has great style!!! Awesome job Em!

  2. Emily,

    These pictures are fantastic. Katelyn is a beautiful young woman. Well-done!!



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