
May 20, 2013

melissa + jeremy // la crosse, wi wedding photographer

melissa and jeremy were lucky enough to book with me way before i knew the exact timeline for my most recent babe's arrival and maternity leave. i was glad they did or else i would have missed out on spending time with such an awesome couple this crazy bipolar spring. 

melissa's spirit is so contagious. i just want to bottle it up and use it like pixie dust whenever the world needs more happy. i knew that no matter how anything else may, could, or would turn out that day that it would be a happy day above all else because melissa is nothing but smiles and laughter. it truly is contagious. 

i finished the preview mid-week and compile all the images together in prep for this blog post once they returned from their honeymoon. one night before bed i was skimming through it and my daughter grabbed the ipad. "let me do it!" she insisted and continuing on scrolling through. she scrolled a little too fast and then shouted "wait, go back! i saw a princess!" so, melissa {and jeremy too} - happy ever, ever after princess from lexi ;)

did i mention how crazy these girls are...can you guess which movie the below famous scene is from that they had to re-enact?
 best ceremony moment...using jeremy's sleeve as a kleenex.
feeling extra sentimental with a few extra mom+daughter dance shots being it was mother's day weekend as well. watching them reminded me of my little lady who was waiting up for mom when i got home that night and came running across the room and flung into my arms. best feeling ever.
